

Gerakan Yoga Gokil Ala Beruang

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Some invigorating early morning stretching exercises make the ideal start to a day of...whatever it is bears do

Somewhere between the 'Happy baby' and 'Boat' poses, this excellent workout for extending the hamstrings should probably now be called 'Bear Pose'

Somewhere between the 'Happy baby' and 'Boat' poses, this excellent workout for extending the hamstrings should probably now be called 'Bear Pose'

..and it's important too for the dedicated yoga practitioner to take a break between stretches

..and it's important too for the dedicated yoga practitioner to take a break between stretches

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Santra makes it all look so easy, but don't try these exercises at home without taking expert advice first

sumber :http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1312205/Its-Yoga-Bear-Show-Incredible-pictures-Santra-keeps-shape-Finnish-zoo.html

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